The greatest call for all Christians is to encounter God in both corporate and private worship that engages our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30). Worship is not only a specific kind of activity focused on God, but it is also an intentional pattern of living ordered around the teachings and examples we find in the Bible. As a church we are focused on offering God our very best worship by our faithfulness to meet regularly as a body, by our consistent times private worship and by choosing to live consistent with the Word of God on a daily basis.
Jesus called his followers to “make disciples.” (Matthew 28:19) A disciple is one who learns what Jesus knows, so they can do what Jesus does, so they can be like Jesus. As a church we are focused on faithfully teaching and modeling that pattern through preaching that is faithful to the Word of God, through sound biblical teaching in our small group Bible study classes, by offering opportunities to develop personal spiritual disciplines, and by pursuing intentional relationships that foster harmony, cooperation, accountability, and encouragement. (Gal 6:10).
James 2:18 teaches us that our faith is most powerfully demonstrated by how we live. For that reason, Christians are called to be ntentionality focused on living out or faith by taking opportunities to reach beyond our own life circumstances and make a Kingdom differencein our church family, our local community, our state, our nation, and around the world (Acts 1:8)
The addition of new believers to the local church is God's response to a church family that is in harmony with Him and with each other (Acts 2:47). As a church we are call to do our part by preparing ourselves to effectively introduce people to a life-changing experience with Jesus Christ. We do that by being intentional about how we live so that we don't confuse or corrupt our message, by learning to share our faith effectively, by making opportunities to bring God into our conversations, and by relying on God to open hearts to His offer of eternal life.