Acts 2:44-45 - And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.
Program Description
- The Acts 2 Ministry will employ a confidential process that allows members to make requests known and match those needs with members who have indicated that they can provide support.
- Items provided should be free of cost.
- The Acts 2 ministry will not handle requests for financial assistance. Those requests must be addressed through pastoral staff.
- Material items (walkers, beds, appliances, tools, etc.)
- Clothing (all ages)
- Transportation of support items will be the responsibility of the requester and support provider.
- To make a request for support you may call the church office directly (270-395-4600) or you may CLICK on the appropriate link above to send an email.
- Information you will need to provide: Name, contact phone number, item(s) requested, date items needed
- All requests will be forwarded to Acts 2 Team members for tracking.
- Once a request is coordinated through the Acts 2 Team, it will be forwarded to the church office where it will be advertised anonymously using our website, weekly church worship bulletin, weekly prayer sheet, and monthly Challenge newsletter.
- Those who can provide support for requests will make contact through the church website or by calling the church office. Contact information will be provided directly to the Acts 2 Team. The Acts 2 Team will, in turn, provide contact information to the requester. This information will be kept confidential.
- All parties should understand that the final disposition of the support items will be determined by the participants, rather than the Acts 2 Team or church staff.
- An Acts 2 Team Member will make a follow-up contacts to receive feedback, to clear up questions, and to determine whether or not that the need was satisfactorily met.
- The Acts 2 team will keep records to follow the entire process, note issues or problems, and indicate when each case is closed out. This does not apply to items of a spiritual nature.
- All records will be kept confidential.